Jessica Rosa

Jessica Rosa

Jessica Rosa You try, you may fail but the real failure is when you stop trying. Today through this column we bring you the story of a powerful women who didn’t stop trying and that’s what became the success mantra of her life. Unveiling the life of Jessica Rosa who is inspiration of many. The outset story of her career all started at the beginning of the pandemic. She was working in the hospitality industry as a Front Office Manager and Sales Coordinator, she had been working in the industry for almost seven years at the time. Unfortunately, like many others, she was laid off from her position because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In the blink of an eye, the world changed drastically, and she knew she would have to make some changes to adapt. After taking some time to consider her future and what she truly wanted in it, she knew she wanted freedom, to support others, to use her full potential to do something she was passionate about, and to never be limited. This led her to recall a conversation she had with one of her older sisters before the pandemic. She had informed her about her entrepreneurial journey as a Virtual Assistant. At the time, she thought she could never run her own business. After recalling this conversation, she did some research, took a Virtual Assistant course, and launched JM Virtual Solutions, LLC by the end of December 2020. When she first launched her business, she was doing general virtual assistant work. She had no idea what services she wanted to offer or whom she wanted to work with. So, she was doing a bit of everything and working with any client who was willing to work with a new VA. It took her about four months of being in business before she niched down into social media marketing as that is really where her passion is. She was also receiving a lot of inquiries for social media management from clients. Additionally, she was and currently am, working on her Master of Science degree in marketing with a concentration in social media. All of this to say, social media was her calling. Today, she is happy to say that as a social media strategist with a passion for supporting fempreneurs, she has had the pleasure of working with over fourteen women in the online space, helping them implement social media strategies that align with their business goals to help them achieve them. She feels blessed to be able to wake up every day to do work she is truly passionate about that also provides her with the freedom she was looking for and best of all, there are no limitations as to where her business can go. Its all about Passion, Creativity, and Innovation Several aims and ideals guide her as an individual and a social media professional. The first is creativity. Working in the marketing space and creating a lot of content as a social media strategist, creativity is a value high on her list. She has always been a creative person and have always admired the arts. The work she does at JM Virtual Solutions has given her that creative outlet in my professional life that she can share with her clients. Passion is next on her list. When you have passion for what you do, you never work a day in your life. She has come to learn the truth behind this statement as she wakes up every morning with so much passion for the work she does, that it sometimes feels like she is not working. She believes that when we are passionate about something, we put more of ourselves into it and produce better results. It is important to her to not only have passion for her business but for the businesses of the clients she works with as well. Nothing stays the same for long in the world of social media. Therefore, JM Virtual Solutions aims to be innovative. Steve Jobs once said, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” As the leader of JM Virtual Solutions, she aims to be innovative in developing social media strategies and campaigns that work toward helping her clients achieve their goals. Being Human- Have an Emotional Connect Her greatest strength in the social media world is simply this, being human. She thinks when we enter the digital space, especially as a business, we forget that the individuals on the other side of the conversation are human. At the end of the day, people do not like to be bombarded with sales, they want to be talked to like a human. As humans what drives us to make a purchase is our emotions. Think about when you go to the store and you try on the perfect dress. It makes you feel confident, sexy, and beautiful. Those emotions that you feel are what drive you to make the purchase. One of the things she helps her clients with is focusing on making that emotional connection with their audience. The key to social media marketing is knowing who your audience is and how to connect with them on an emotional level. Social media is very much like a cocktail party. You mingle, introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, and start connecting with people, right? Many conversations are happening at once in the online space. People are introducing themselves, asking questions, a common interest is discovered, and a connection is made. If you want to be successful with your social media marketing efforts and build a strong community of fans, build trust, and gain loyalty, you need to do it online the same way you would do it offline. Having a strong comprehension of this has helped her to develop her approach, providing a valuable strength to social media marketing. All about JM Virtual Solutions She is the founder, strategist, and creative behind JM Virtual Solutions. As a solopreneur, her primary goals are just about

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Davielle Jackson

Davielle Jackson

Davielle Jackson Black women have plenty of hurdles that would make a man of any other race or creed quit their job and run off screaming! Davielle Jackson is a female entrepreneur who believes in the power of her own vision of what is best for others. As the CEO of Femi Secrets, Davielle is motivated to ensure that every woman has access to healthy hygiene products. As she continues to battle for making a difference on a daily basis, this charismatic leader takes pride in taking on a large amount of responsibility that comes with being a girl boss. Femi Secrets, the only award-winning feminine care brand, offers women of all ages the best protection throughout their monthly menstruation cycle. It inspires women to take charge of their bodies, their health, and their lives. With strong work ethics, Davielle Jackson strives to nurture all the amazing women out there in all the best ways with her venture! The Story of a Self-Made Black Woman   Davielle Jackson believes in living for a sense of purpose, a quest for knowledge, and the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the world. As a free-spirited person, she has always been courageous enough to speak for herself.  Both her mother and father were accomplished businesspeople. She never saw them work for anyone, but she did witness them working really hard. Talking about her love for biology, Davielle says, “My goal was first biology. So, the clear first path was medicine. Medical school, started off in nursing but I clearly felt I needed to be more of an influence in the world by mass, a greater difference. So, then I applied to medical school, and Dr. Jackson sounded good. But then I felt my life slipping away. I was so young so talented, yet I was spending most of my life studying.” When she turned 22, Jackson did the calculations in no time. By the time she’ll be 35, her school loan debt will be roughly $300,000, and her life will have only just begun, she’ll have to work out everything. Little did she know that destiny had planned everything to nourish her business zeal. One of her friends approached her one day and asked for her help. This was the time when Medicine, health, and assisting women, three of her favorite things in the world, collided. Davielle created the Pretty Panty, the world’s first patented chemical-free disposable product. After working relentlessly for six months, she was partnered with Walmart. She finally realized what she wanted to pursue for the rest of her life after this delightfully new experience. With the launch of Femi Secrets, this businesswoman has created a secure environment that offers the healthiest and most secure times. Women who use Femi’s products report that their periods are healthier and lighter, with fewer cramps! Femi Secrets – Breaking the Taboo Femi Secrets is a safe, long-lasting, and innovative source of period protection. This wonderful brand has a passion for investing in women’s health solutions. With chemical-free and FDA-approved products, Femi stands for young, healthy, and beautiful women. Before Femi, women were afraid to talk about periods. The company has been the first to come up with non-chemical and disposable panty to infiltrate the feminine care market in over 20 years. Made to fit ladies of all sizes and ages, The Pretty Panty is purely natural and sustainable! Davielle adds, “A tampon was literally invented by a man, to stop a leak! Never did they think how harmful this product would be on the Feminine eco-system. My products are dedicated to healthy women. I was basically the creator of the ‘Fem Tech space”. Before anyone started like, “thinx, lola, Knix, etc.” Award Winning Patented “Pretty Panty”: Women not only love the idea of having a product that is chemical free, biodegradable, eco-friendly and disposable. But most important leak free. Also, send directly to your door via monthly subscription. The embodiment of a carefree period. Amazon for women with periods: Taking away the stress of having to rush to the store to acquire period essentials, this subscription box delivers everything you need for a healthy, happy month. Designed with all the necessities to give you a whole month of feeling the best, Femi provides subscription period products that are shipped right to your door. Premium subscription box: This wholesome subscription box includes The Pretty Panty, pads, liners, wipes, and some relaxations tools like CBD bath bombs and fibroid tea. Filled with hygiene products, Femi Secrets helps in providing a better way to care for your body and turn your life into a beautiful & healthy one! Wegmans and Giant retail: Statistics will demonstrate how Femi Secrets has transformed the feminine care industry in years to come! The company is thrilled to be accessible at Wegmans and Giant retail and grocer locations, and by 2023, it expects to be offered at all major retailers. Integrating Technology with Ease We see the negative effects of being too open on social media quite often! Fear is what stops a lot of people from making the move to social space. One major blunder Davielle Jackson made was hiding her company from social media for a period of time. She was present when it began, but due to concerns about her privacy and intellectual property, she decided it wasn’t for her. As it is now extremely critical to any brand’s success, Jackson feels that she would have arrived sooner and worked harder! Femi Secrets work with the technology of its products on a daily basis in order to achieve a competitive advantage. “We will be releasing a Femi app that will help women in so many different ways this summer.  We have an entire team dedicated to technical advances,” mentions Davielle. Ultimate Accolades You name it, she has done it! Davielle aspires to have a life full of adventures and possibilities. Throughout her chosen career, this remarkable personality has received numerous accolades and recognitions, making her stand out

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Holly Dowling

Holly Dowling There’s no greater way to honor our beliefs than to rejoice when we see them put into action. Holly Dowling, a widely celebrated Global Keynote Speaker and Inspirational Thought Leader, is someone who follows her soul’s highest calling! She defied all odds and built her profession on her own terms. This immensely passionate personality is on a quest to help others realize their full potential and brilliance. With her indomitable spirit to create an impact, Holly strives to be a messenger of hope, inspiration, joy, and healing in this world. Formerly the vice president of an international brokerage firm, Holly creates and delivers bespoke keynotes as well as programs for Fortune 500 companies. She is of the opinion that each of us must define happiness for ourselves, rather than success. She mentions, “I’ve never seen anyone succeed in this profession without the genuine heart and message of selflessness. My soul has always had a strong desire to serve the world. I was chosen to be a global messenger of hope and inspiration.” The Emergence of a Passionate Leader Who you are as a child might reveal a lot about who you will become later on in life. Holly had always been shy as a child. Despite her lack of confidence, she had an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to both entertain and help others. Since she was a little girl, Holly had always been curious about new things, such as combining entrepreneurship and entertainment, with the ultimate goal of assisting others and spreading happiness. Holly’s professional career started when a woman she knew through her women’s group requested her to talk to a group of high school students in Denver, CO. She wasn’t sure if people wanted to hear about her struggles and overcoming obstacles. The woman advised her to relate the narrative as if she were speaking to a group of adults. It goes without saying that this episode had a profound impact on Holly’s life. After the discussion, she heard a queue of boys and girls applauding her struggle and being inspired to pursue their aspirations in life. Holly’s life was dramatically transformed when she got a letter from one of the students in the audience several days after she talked. The letter recounted how, on the morning of Holly’s seminar, this girl was about to commit suicide because she was being sold for cocaine by her father. The letter went on to add that hearing her story influenced her perspective for good and that she had realized how vital her life was. While that day impacted this young girl forever, the imprint Holly had from the experience changed her life forever as well! The letter had such a great impression on Holly that for the past 25 years, she has carried it with her in a small plastic bag to every speaking event she has done. Following that discussion, the school principal requested Holly to speak at a school assembly. Not just that, other parents approached her too with business cards, inviting her to speak at corporate and business gatherings, and the rest is history! That spur-of-the-moment participation, followed by the life-changing letter, turned out to be a complete game-changer in Holly’s personal as well as professional life. Ultimate Awards & Milestones Holly Dowling is pleased to receive remarkable awards for her unwavering commitment and tenacity. She is an award-winning host on The Notoriety Network and a two-time Stevie Award winner for women in business. Additionally, Holly feels privileged to be a Former member of The African American Consulate, a proud partner of The United Nations Girl Up Foundation, and a Recipient of The American Riviera Women Entrepreneur of the Year Award. As an expert in joy and happiness, she believes that the word “success” has been misused for decades, leading to us being overwhelmed by ideas and experiences that are not in line with our soul’s highest calling. Dowling is also a member of the Anti-Internet Child Exploitation Team, which raises awareness about internet crimes against children around the world. Adding to her key honors, she shares, “I have the extreme honor of being a top ten inspirational thought leader among influencers such as Deepak Chopra, who happens to be one of my all-time most inspirational figures.” There’s no questioning that her career has had its ups and downs, but they have all served as a compass that points her back to the mission she feels privileged to pursue. Holly, like a true leader, is leading by example, encouraging others to dream big and believe in themselves! What Makes her Unique? Holly Dowling, a successful woman with a long list of achievements, utilizes her profession to encourage a message of peace, love, joy, and kindness. She feels that she did not seek out this career; the mission was placed on her heart and the path she is on found her. As a global keynote speaker and inspirational thought leader, Holly, with her team, are continuously called back to serve Fortune 500 companies with a majority of their business based upon a referral. Although she has successfully climbed up the ladder of success, the journey has not been easy. She acquired this accomplishment in a non-traditional manner, without the help of a speaker’s bureau, a TEDTalk, or a best-selling book. She shares, “Attaining repeat clients and referrals are attributed to asking the right questions; by following the goals and the dreams of our clients and customizing presentations to company culture while recognizing individuals of the company as part of the overall mission.” As a disciplined personality, Holly is quite mindful of each of her employees’ strengths and makes sure that they use them on a daily basis. She believes that creating an authentic environment where everyone can be transparent professionally and personally is vital to the success of the daily operations and long-term mission! This self-made leader admits silence to be nectar for her soul. “During my quiet time, which is part of my

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Ariel Tavor

Ariel Tavor

Ariel Tavor Ariel Tavor, Founder & Principal of Lions Financial  They say it takes a village to raise a child, similarly, it takes a village and a few to run a successful business. While starting any business, the major part all new entrepreneurs must focus on is taking the business on the right financial path. Finance & Investment keep any business running, making them the most crucial aspects of any industry. Ariel Tavor, holds over a decade of experience in the financial services industry, specializing in insurance and investment companies. Having experience in working with executives & CEOs from a wide range of industries, his work involves counseling CEOs, Boards of Directors, and Capital Investment Funds. He specializes in advising the top management on executive compensation, business plan designs, mergers & acquisitions, due diligence, and asset financing. Being an expert in financial analysis and strategy, Ariel masters in advising the clients on allocations based on their business objectives and analyzing the economic factors, to keep a long-term perspective. With a vision to provide his array of expert services to more clients with a dedicated team, he started his firm ‘Lions Financial’. His company specializes in real estate asset management, e-commerce, automotive distribution, management consulting, financial services, corporate travel, manufacturing, food concepts, and enterprise technology.  Lions Financial – Making A Mark Lions Financial focuses on providing holistic business management solutions by working as a business advisory and wealth management firm for their clients. Ariel & his team manages a diverse portfolio of companies & help businesses build financial management strategies to enhance their business for high growth and long-term success. Not just that, they also have expertise in giving their clients a key solution for three major areas[1] , which include business consulting, capital markets, and last but not least, risk management. They use four specialized disciplines like financial strategy, organizational structure, processes, communications, and technology to fuel better financial management of the clients. Their skilled team serves a variety of industries making them one of the most diversified financial firms that cater to different industries like automotive, hospitality, retail, e-commerce, commercial real estate, financial services, healthcare, engineering, renewable energy, and biopharmaceuticals.  The New Era of Businesses Ariel believes in advancing his techniques and adapting with time. According to him, ‘Industries have evolved a lot over time, and with the digitization of modern technology and businesses, the traditional methods are no longer seen. The industry has adopted the new trends, and businesses are now operating on the factors that can help them move a step forward into the future.’ To maintain pace with the constantly changing market, Ariel advises companies to change their traditional strategies and opt more for online operational methods. He believes every business aspect is different and unique and requires a niche solution that fits their needs. Besides, there is no doubt that technological advancements have shown a drastic effect on the way people used to do business. According to Ariel, successful companies have a thorough understanding of what the future will hold through research and development teams that plan for many ideas and identify future prospects for aspects sought. The recent pandemic has made it a need for companies to transform themselves and be more ‘internet-friendly’.    Significant Challenges & Setbacks In the initial period of starting the business, Ariel has had his share of ups and downs with connecting segments and analyzing bits and pieces that can make a huge difference in the business strategy. As with many companies, Lions Financial had a business plan; but since it was not updated to reflect the current situation early on, it led to miscalculated assumptions. Keeping track of what happened afterward and evaluating it was a time-consuming and ineffective process, Ariel and his team implemented software technology and created an operations team for effective and fast results. In the early days of starting Lions Financial, Ariel focused on companies that had a difficult time obtaining financing, but this created challenges for them to have a longer-term engagement and underfunding for initiatives needed to improve their business. Ariel did not get dispirited by these obstacles and learning from his experiences, shifted his focus to target established businesses that could leverage more complex financial strategies. They started acquiring clients with better potential by arbitrating their clientele by leadership structures such as; multigenerational family businesses, companies with a board of advisors, and companies with successor CEOs. Leadership is an Action, Not a Position A successful leader doesn’t just preach the ideas but makes sure to adapt them to his own work ethic and leads the way while everyone around them learns, grows, and prospers along with the company goals. “I believe in prioritizing my clients’ needs. Our business purpose is defined as providing financial services & solutions to businesses during their different life cycles. We focus on building a team that has this same concern for deciding what is best for clients and making sure solutions are tailored to their needs. I do my best in having discussions with the team and listening to their ideas and concerns. Learning from people on the team helps me look at the bigger picture and gain perspective for effective decision-making,” says Ariel Tavor on leading a diversified team of experts. Lions Financial SIRE Strategy By Ariel Tavor Any business or organization that wishes to bring a revolution into the business world needs to have something unique that others don’t possess. What sets Lions Financial apart from its competitors is its Four-Step value-focused and closed-loop process called SIRE strategy. It includes various factors that comply with the client’s work culture. SIRE process entails the Survey, Insight, Recommendation, and Execution. The strategy has been tried and tested by Ariel Tavor for years and provides a diversified solution to niche problems. Let us understand how this works: The Initial and most crucial stage of this strategy is gathering primary & secondary data through surveys and research to evaluate the business situation. The latter part is the ‘Insight’ stage

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Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry

Patrick Henry Patrick Henry, the President & CEO of GroGuru Making you Own the Future of Agriculture Wondering how to master the art of running start-ups successfully? Who better to learn it from than a serial entrepreneur who has been in the technology business for 20 years! Patrick Henry, the President & CEO of GroGuru, has built multiple million-dollar businesses in areas where innovative technology is just emerging. With immense patience, perseverance, and hard work, he has built companies and businesses that address the consumer electronics as well as communications markets and is now focused on building a company in the agriculture technology space. The renowned businessman treats every situation with a ‘beginner’s mind’ and assumes one can always learn something that is of value from it. The world needs more people like Patrick Henry who empower others with his experiences, wisdom, and knowledge. About GroGuru  GroGuru takes pride in making the world a better place to live by allowing farmers to save water, grow more crops in a cost-effective way, and sequester more carbon in the soil. With an ever-increasing pool of skilled experts, the company is passionate about preserving the precious resources of the planet in a more sustainable way. GroGuru solutions help farmers increase crop yield, while at the same time preserving water and other scarce resources. As a result, farmers can be more efficient and make more money. Additionally, the company deploys soil sensors that measure things like soil moisture, temperature, and salinity at various root depths of crops. Then, it wirelessly transmits this data to the Cloud where it adds additional information to make AI-based recommendations to farmers about when and how much to irrigate their crops. With his commitment to excellence being unparalleled, Patrick Henry is focused on helping farmers implement strategic water management for the smart farm. Leading by Example Great leaders are determined to bring a change. A former CEO at QuestFusion, Patrick Henry has never failed to set ambitious and challenging goals in his life. He is an expert on building world-class teams, building strategic partnerships, and has a phenomenal ability to clearly articulate complex technologies into something that a layperson can understand. Additionally, he has had plenty of exists including an IPO on NASDAQ that led to a $1B valuation. One key thing that has constantly helped Patrick in his career is to always keep learning from different experiences whether good or bad. He strives to take decisions impeccably based on what’s right for his company. As the CEO of GroGuru, Mr. Henry drives the overall strategy and operational execution for an exciting Agriculture Technology (AgTech) company that is changing the way that we grow crops by using an innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled software as a service (SaaS) for strategic irrigation management for commercial farmers. A true serial entrepreneur & a lifelong learner, Patrick perfectly defines how a well-rounded individual should be. Awe-inspiring Accomplishments With a strong desire for entrepreneurship and a passion to serve the community, Mr. Henry has passed countless milestones throughout his journey. He is a proud former contributor at FastCompany, Tech.Co, Entrepreneur, The Huffington Post, and other publications. Besides, he is the winner of the 2008 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year for Technology, San Diego Daily Transcript 2008 Top Influentials in the Technology Industry, and 2011 San Diego Business Journal Most Admired CEO. Patrick says, “I have successfully raised over $200 million in equity financing for my companies and been directly involved in over $2 billion of M&A transactions.” This extraordinary personality inspires his team to greatness, nurtures the talents and skills of his co-workers, and shows up for others, without fail. Previously featured on CNBC, Bloomberg Television, and Forbes, Patrick Henry still has the same energy and optimism of his early days. The wealth of experience and wisdom accumulated throughout Patrick’s 20 years of being an entrepreneur is undoubtedly worth appreciating! Impact of Covid-19 – One Step Closer Downturns come with many silver linings. When Covid-19 hit, numerous companies struggled and went out of business. GroGuru, on the contrary, focused on the present opportunities and launched its stand-alone SaaS business that uses third-party hardware already purchased by farmers. Patrick asserts, “The key in a major economic downturn is to survive now to thrive later. Because GroGuru already had a geographically distributed team, the transition to virtual was relatively seamless.” Although each one of us faced a nice bundle of challenges due to the pandemic, Patrick Henry used it as an opportunity to grow market share and expand his market channel presence. As a greatly ambitious entrepreneur, he strives to have a keen eye for the brighter side of things and surpass setbacks with a brave face. His Dose of Inspiration As we set out to establish our goals, we always know a handful of people who would say “go for it”. With so many changes all around, they give us a safe space to be able to express and share our opinion. Some might call it a coincidence that Patrick Henry has continuously found opportunities to learn and grow because of the mentors he has had in his life. But to him, it’s no less than a miracle that he was able to find these mentors, without even knowing they were there. “I have had several exceptional mentors throughout my career, and many amazing leaders and coaches that have influenced me,” he shares. Henry gives an extra credit of his indomitable spirit to Jesus Christ. He adds, “It is my relationship with God that has had the biggest impact on my life including in my career.” With sheer tenacity and confidence, Henry has climbed up the professional ladder of success and continues to influence aspiring minds with positivity! Insightful Advice When asked Patrick about his best piece of advice to the next generation of aspiring and budding Business people, he stressed upon the need of building great teams that complement your skill set and areas of expertise. A team is powerful with

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