Derwin Hunt

Derwin Hunt

Founder and CEO
Hunt Innovations LLC

Derwin Hunt is a visionary entrepreneur and the CEO of Hunt Innovations LLC. With a passion for improving safety in everyday life, Derwin has dedicated his career to developing innovative products that address common hazards. His journey in the industry began with a keen observation of everyday problems and a determination to find practical solutions.

From Car Sales to Innovation: Derwin Hunt’s Journey

Derwin began his career in sales, starting with retail work in a mall. His trajectory took a significant turn when he entered the car business, a field he never initially considered. With over 26 years in the car industry, Derwin honed his skills in professionalism, communication, and business conduct. He developed a deep appreciation for people from diverse backgrounds and careers, finding fascination in the various paths individuals take in life.

Throughout his career, Derwin observed a common phenomenon: many people end up in professions far removed from their original plans or degrees. This was true for him as well. His initial foray into the car business was driven by uncertainty about his future, but it proved to be a fortunate move. The experience and insights gained during this period were invaluable, and he credits the original group of people he worked with for his professional growth.

Despite his success in the car business, Derwin’s ambitions extended beyond sales. He ventured into mortgage financing, a field he pursued for five years. However, the economic downturn forced him to reconsider his path once again. It was during these challenging times that Derwin’s innovative spirit truly came to the forefront. He conceived a product aimed at serving the greater good, inspired by a “Eureka” moment. This idea led to the creation of Hunt Innovations LLC, where Derwin applies his extensive experience and passion for innovation to develop products that make a positive impact. His journey underscores the value of being open to change, continuously learning, and seizing opportunities as they arise.

After the collapse of the mortgage industry, Derwin found himself returning to the car business. However, it was a seemingly mundane observation during a visit to his brother that sparked an idea. He noticed a shirt draped over the side of a bathtub, reminiscent of how hotels like Holiday Inn display towels on the tub’s edge. This practice struck him as impractical, as the towels often ended up on the floor. He wondered why people continued this habit, knowing that the items would inevitably fall. This observation led Derwin to think about creating a solution that would keep towels and other items securely in place on the edge of a tub.

His idea was also fueled by personal experiences. Derwin recalled the numerous times he had injured himself by slipping or bumping against the tub’s edge due to its slippery nature. These experiences highlighted the risks not only for individuals but also for caregivers assisting elderly or disabled persons in and out of bathtubs. The combination of wet porcelain and a slick floor created hazardous conditions, increasing the likelihood of accidents for both the caregiver and the person receiving care.

Derwin’s height, standing tall at 6’6, often resulted in painful encounters with the tub’s edge, further emphasizing the need for a safer solution. This realization was the catalyst for developing an innovative product designed to prevent items from falling off the tub and to enhance safety in the bathroom. Understanding that his idea needed validation, Derwin initially sought feedback from friends. However, he soon recognized that true growth and development come from constructive criticism, not just from familiar voices but from honest and diverse perspectives. This insight drove him to refine his idea through broader feedback and rigorous testing. He did surveys in 8 different states. The investors got involved in order to allow him to use GAMBA to locate a manufacturer. His story illustrates how a simple observation can lead to a groundbreaking idea.

Persistence Pays Off: Derwin’s Long Road to Patent Success

Derwin began by creating detailed drawings and comprehensive descriptions of his product. His attention to detail was crucial in explaining the design and intent behind his invention. He submitted his patent application, knowing it would take a couple of years for a response. When the feedback finally arrived, it required him to make provisions and resubmit, adding more years to the process. Despite these delays, Derwin pressed on, driven by the conviction that his idea was worth the wait.

The initial law firm told him there was nothing like his product, it was exceptional and advised him to move forward with the ‘Fall’ patent. ABC’s American Investor proposed to Derwin that they would to showcase his idea provided he gives the application from the original patent. After Derwin went to his attorneys to receive it, he was surprised to find someone had already filed the patent almost two years ago. Confident in his potential, Derwin did not get disappointed because the drawing that the patent was filed on was just junk and would not practically work. 

Derwin consulted several patent attorneys before settling on one who advised him that, in order to properly file a patent, the original filing needed to be terminated and a new one started. This advice came with the risk that he might lose his rights if someone else filed during the interim. Fearing the potential compromise of his future, he spent about two years contemplating his next move. Eventually, he realized that time was slipping away and he had nothing to show for his efforts. He was then referred to an attorney in South Dakota, whose fees were a fraction of the original cost and whose timeline matched the initial estimates.

After another two-year wait, Derwin was awarded his patent, marking a significant milestone in his career. This achievement was a testament to his persistence and careful planning. Throughout this challenging journey, Derwin remained committed to his vision, driven by a promise to his wife to provide a stable and secure future for their family. His story is a powerful example of the perseverance required to turn an idea into a reality.

From Epiphany to Innovation: Derwin’s Journey to Revolutionize Hotel Safety

Derwin began looking for investors immediately. With a display banner & makeshift material, he practiced his presentation. In the past, he was turned away but he realized that to take such a long shot with financial risk, Derwin understood whomever his investor(s) would be, they too, must share the vision and passion equal to his own.

With this perspective, Derwin understood while presenting his proposal that he too was interviewing the investors as they were interviewing him.  It was mutual!

Upon selecting the investors, Derwin searched for a manufacturer. Derwin found GEMBA to help with his goal. GEMBA was able to find several manufacturers around the world in many countries. After exploring manufacturing options in 13 different countries, including India, Taiwan, the United States, Mexico, Vietnam, and Brazil, Derwin found the best option in China. This choice proved to be the most cost-effective, allowing him to move forward with production.

Once the prototype was ready, Derwin received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Business professionals showed keen interest in his product, eager to know when it would be available. Securing an investor who shared his vision was a significant milestone. The investor’s enthusiasm was evident as he completed Derwin’s presentation, showing a deep understanding and belief in the product.

With the product manufactured and shipped, Derwin’s recognition grew. Being acknowledged by Marquis Who’s Who of America elevated his platform, helping him educate the public about his innovative solution. Over 16 years of research revealed a critical need in the hotel industry: preventing slips and falls in bathtubs. Many hotels, desperate to reduce litigation from such accidents, had resorted to removing bathtubs altogether and replacing them with showers.

However, Derwin’s research indicated that showers were not the answer. When he questioned hotel buyers about their decision to remove bathtubs, they struggled to provide a satisfactory explanation. Derwin pointed out that ongoing litigation from slips and falls in bathtubs, regardless of circumstances like intoxication, remained a significant issue. The courts frequently ruled in favor of plaintiffs, leaving hotels with hefty settlements. Derwin’s product addressed this gap by enhancing safety in bathtubs, providing a solution that hotels had long sought. His dedication to solving this problem not only demonstrated his commitment to innovation but also highlighted the importance of listening to market needs and addressing them effectively.