
Ankoor Dasguupta

Executive Leadership & Communication Coach (PCC)

A mindful leader in media and marketing is attuned to the ever-evolving landscape, embracing change with adaptability and continuous learning. Such leaders prioritize creating meaningful experiences and fostering empathy and compassion within their teams. They recognize the importance of being present in every interaction, whether with team members, clients, or partners, and value inclusivity to drive innovation. Mindful leadership in the media and marketing industry, as exemplified by individuals like Ankoor Dasguupta, involves a thoughtful and compassionate approach to navigating the complexities of this dynamic field. Ankoor is also in the process of becoming a certified PCC Level 2 professional coach with accreditation from  International Coaching Federation (ICF) .

The Journey of Ankoor: A Catalyst for Growth and Impact

A firm believer in the transformative power of relationships, Ankoor shares insights into his life journey, marked by a commitment to giving back. In his world, the simple equation holds true: giving is receiving. His dedication extends beyond mere excellence in his endeavors, pushing him to consistently go above and beyond.

Embracing the philosophy of kaizen, Ankoor seamlessly integrates the practice of continuous improvement into his daily life. This commitment not only shapes him as a better professional but also molds him into a more compassionate and effective leader with each passing day. Acknowledging failures as stepping stones, he stands out by raising his hand where others hesitate, turning vulnerability into strength. Central to his approach is the art of creating meaningful experiences. His ability to listen attentively and observe with precision empowers him to navigate complex situations with empathy, compassion, and determination. In a journey marked by learning, unlearning, and relearning, he emphasizes the importance of exploring multiple solutions to pain points, ensuring adaptability and relevance.

Drawing parallels with a cricket match, Ankoor highlights the significance of knowing when to step forward and when to step back. His self-awareness and self-actualization, perfected over the years, enable him to make strategic decisions in both his personal and professional lives.

Having navigated diverse roles in ad operations, business operations, strategy, content, brand strategy, sales, events, and media planning, Ankoor is a versatile professional. He has been an integral part of launching and scaling international IPs such as AdTech, iMedia Summits, Modern Marketing Summits, and TechCrunch events in India. Ankoor’s leadership has also contributed to the recognition of multiple award-winning case studies for brand advertising campaigns. Presently a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Ankoor leads a dynamic team at Shisham Digital, with offices spanning Singapore, Dubai, the USA, and India.

Navigating Success: Simple Secrets to Professional Effectiveness

One fundamental aspect that stands out is Ankoor’s commitment to being present in the moment—a skill he applies diligently whether interacting with team members, superiors, clients, or networking at events. His approach revolves around making every interaction meaningful, even if it’s just a brief greeting. The art of looking someone in the eye and genuinely engaging for that one minute has proven to be a cornerstone of his effective communication strategy. In feedback and appraisal sessions, his ability to let others express themselves fully before responding fosters trust and connection, making him a sought-after collaborator.

Discipline, a trait instilled in him by his grandfather, forms the foundation of Ankoor’s success. Starting his day early, he recognizes that there are no shortcuts to discipline. This commitment allows him to perform optimally each day and maintain clarity of thought in pursuing his goals. His disciplined approach extends to his reflective practice, where he consistently asks himself the crucial ‘why’ while contemplating decisions.

Building on the foundation of discipline is Ankoor’s commitment to organization. Starting the day with a routine that includes making his bed, hydrating, brewing tea, reflecting on the previous day, and creating a prioritized to-do list, he sets the stage for a day of productivity. This ritual, combined with maintaining an orderly desk both at the office and at home, ensures that he can easily locate essentials. As a senior leader, he emphasizes an inside-out approach, recognizing the importance of personal organization as a precursor to effective leadership.

The Heart of Leadership: Embrace Empathy and Compassion

As a leader, Ankoor opens a window into his core values, rooted in empathy and compassion. For him, empathy is a profound act of giving—a genuine offering of a listening ear to understand the concerns of others. Whether in brief exchanges or extended dialogues, empathy leaves a lasting impact, fostering connection and understanding. He recognizes the challenge of distilling empathy into short conversations where time is limited, but his wealth of experience has perfected his ability to navigate even the most complex discussions with finesse. Like a captain steering a ship through stormy seas, he begins by offering a listening ear and visualizing the situations his colleagues are navigating.

In the corporate landscape, Ankoor places a high value on fostering inclusivity and team cohesion. In a world where diversity and inclusion are paramount, he sees compassion and empathy as pivotal elements in creating a culture of belonging. Compassion leads leaders to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each team member, while empathy allows them to appreciate the diverse perspectives within the team. Together, these qualities establish an inclusive environment where individuals feel recognized, heard, and valued, ultimately contributing to stronger team cohesion and fostering innovation.

Ankoor’s Journey of Adaptation and Self-Discovery

One of the toughest shifts Ankoor faced was in 2007, moving from the familiar terrain of print media to that of digital media at Yahoo! The abrupt switch from a paper and fax environment to an entirely paperless one brought about a cultural shock, redefining his understanding of work pressure. Despite the challenges, he found solace in the camaraderie of colleagues-turned-friends, with coffee machines and lunch conversations becoming vital sources of rejuvenation. His ability to adapt was nurtured early on during his stint with GE, including his initial foray into international travel.

Reflecting on another pivotal challenge, Ankoor recalls the moment when he transitioned from backend ad operations to client support. Initially resistant, he voiced his allegiance to Ad Operations. Looking back, he expresses gratitude to his boss, the catalyst for this shift, who saw potential in him beyond his self-perceived limitations. This move led him to discover a latent talent for communication and connecting with people, transforming his professional trajectory.

The journey also featured personal challenges, notably his first skydiving experience. Facing fear head-on as the plane ascended to 15,000 feet, Ankoor acknowledged the importance of recognizing fear rather than advocating for fearlessness. Vulnerable moments peppered his career, even in senior leadership roles, but he navigated them with a reflective stance, guided by self-awareness. In his life, the essence lies not in dismissing fear but in acknowledging it and proceeding despite it.

Ankoor’s Recognition and Accolades

Family, friends, colleagues, and mentors have shaped the person Ankoor is today. His wife, daughter, and a close-knit circle of friends form the backbone of his journey, providing a foundation of strength and encouragement. Throughout his professional trajectory, the leaders and teams he has collaborated with have played pivotal roles in his growth and development.

Acknowledging the impact of his network, Ankoor reflects on his involvement in esteemed forums where he has served as part of juries, councils, and speakers in the marketing and advertising domain. He has been a featured speaker at top business schools, contributing his insights to the next generation of professionals. His written contributions extend beyond traditional avenues, with regular guest columns and blogs in reputable online publications.

Recent accolades show Ankoor’s influence in the industry. His role on the Screening Council of MMA APAC and MMA Global for the Smarties Awards 2023 highlights his commitment to recognizing excellence in marketing. With over 50 published articles, he is a prolific writer, sharing his perspectives on international platforms such as CMS Wire, MMA Global, CMO Council, CEO Worldwide, and national publications like Businessworld, Reputation Today, Indian Television, Adgully, and TOI. His commitment to creating inclusive workplaces is evident through his POSH certification and active participation in core committees addressing the prevention of sexual harassment in two organizations. His efforts have been recognized with the “Man of Excellence, 2024” award from the prestigious Indian Achievers’ Award.

Beyond the Surface: Perspective on Success

For Ankoor, success transcends the tangible aspects of the ‘field.’ He places importance on self-awareness, emphasizing a clear understanding of aspirations and the pursuit of inner peace. In his view, skills are something that can be acquired over time, and the ability to work diligently towards a future vision holds greater significance.

Ankoor believes in the power of navigating relationships, having conversations, and understanding people on a deeper level. He contends that the ability to see what others might overlook becomes the distinguishing factor in achieving success. For him, success is not solely about mastering specific skills related to a particular field; it’s about the holistic approach of envisioning a future, understanding oneself, and excelling in interpersonal dynamics. In a world often fixated on the external markers of success, he emphasizes knowing one’s goals, finding peace within, and navigating the intricacies of human connection with a discerning eye.