9 Ways to Invest in the Health of Your Employees

Here Are 9 Ways to Invest in the Health of Your Employees

People stay in their jobs longer when their career does more than pay the bills. Workplaces must also foster positive environments that support each employee’s comprehensive well-being. Keep your team happy and help them thrive by reading about these simple ways to invest in the health of your employees. They’ll recognize that you care and appreciate their spot on the team that much more.

1. Encourage PTO Use

Recent research shows that 19% of American workers believe taking time off will decrease their chances for advancement in their workplaces. Even if you provide an extensive paid time off (PTO) package for each employee, they may not take the time they’ve earned because they worry about the same thing.

People in leadership positions should encourage their team members to use their PTO. Verbal encouragement will help employees take the time they need to rest. They may also appreciate some extra PTO designated for mental health days. No one should sacrifice the vacation time they planned to use for holiday travel if they need extra time dedicated to preserving their mental health.

2. Schedule Fun Outdoor Events

When adults engage in outdoor entertainment, their brains produce more endorphins that stimulate happiness and decrease anxious feelings. They’ll return to work in a better frame of mind, which could help them enjoy their jobs more.

Those in management roles can schedule quarterly outdoor events for the whole workplace. Order barbecue and host an afternoon lunch party in the outdoor space at your work venue. Everyone could enjoy a rooftop happy hour party on a Friday afternoon or attend a team-building event at a local park. The time spent together outside work will make your team happier and more appreciative of their jobs.

3. Provide Gym Discounts

Unless you started your company recently, you likely didn’t build its office space with an in-house gym in mind. That’s a trend that’s more popular for newer companies — but you can still encourage your team to stay healthy by providing discounts for local gym memberships. If your team members can work out on a discount, their exercise routines will strengthen their immune systems, muscles and stamina to foster improved long-term health.

This option also includes any remote team members who may feel left out of your workplace upgrades. Consider giving discounts with national chain-brand gyms so your remote employees can find a location in their hometown to utilize too.

4. Stock Healthy Snacks and Drinks

Your team members may need the occasional morning or afternoon snack to remain productive. The body turns protein-rich foods into amino acids that supercharge bodily functions like cognitive reasoning. Snacks can also energize employees who may need more sleep.

Stock healthy snacks and beverages in the office kitchen to invest in the health of your employees. They’ll appreciate the low-fat or all-natural alternatives to vending machine foods that cause blood sugar crashes while they’re still on the clock.

5. Upgrade the Office Air Filters

Viruses can spread quickly in office settings. Although there’s nothing you can do to stop the flu from spreading when someone comes to work with a bug, air filters can reduce the odds of everyone calling out sick simultaneously.

Look into upgrading the HVAC filters in the office. Finer filter grades will catch airborne particles that would otherwise make employees sick. You can also install air purifiers around the office. These efforts will keep your team healthier and even minimize discomfort related to allergens and dust in the office.

6. Open the Blinds

Keeping the blinds drawn shut during the workday might be useful during slideshow presentations, but your employees would benefit from more sunlight. Research shows that vitamin D derived from sunlight can regulate the cardiovascular system, preventing heart disease.

Open the blinds each morning to flood your workspace with sunlight. Everyone will benefit from the extra vitamin D and feel happier basking in the warmth while working at their desks.

7. Schedule Individual Check-Ins

People enjoy their jobs more when their work isn’t overwhelming. A challenging workload will deteriorate anyone’s mental health, so it’s crucial for team leaders to schedule check-ins with each of their employees.

During these check-ins, discuss their feelings about their current workload and if they’re more stressed than usual. The daily routine that felt right six months ago may feel like a struggle now if their personal life became more challenging during that time. Shifting responsibilities around is always possible so the workplace doesn’t trigger burnout.

8. Include Mental Health Coverage

Employee health insurance plans often include coverage for visits with mental health professionals, but that isn’t always the case. Double-check that your workplace covers therapy with its available coverage. If it isn’t available, changing the available plans or providing a mental health stipend could help your team members get the support they need to thrive.

9. Arrange a Professional Cleaning Schedule

Wiping the kitchen counters down at the end of each workday is one way to keep the workplace clean. Professional cleaners will do a more effective job by using high-end sanitizing products on shared surfaces and bathrooms.

Consider hiring a professional cleaning team for regular visits. It’s extra helpful to have their support during flu season. Your office won’t have as many viruses or bacteria, so everyone can stay healthy all year long.

Invest in Your Team’s Health

Anyone can invest in the health of their employees by using tips like these to care for everyone’s mental and physical health. Every effort makes the workplace more welcoming so your team works harder without sacrificing their well-being.

This is a post by Ava Roman, Managing Editor of Revivalist. When she is not writing you’ll find Ava in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy.