Susanne Diemer
- Brief us about your outset story of your career.
To me it is a duty and privilege to serve, guide and protect others. It is a way of life more than a career. It really is a call and it is for life.
- What are the aims and ideals that guide you as an individual and a professional?
I am guided by the power and ability to serve by protecting people, assets, information and locations. It is all about confidentiality, discretion, trust and duty. It is never about me. I am a tool, a guide and a messenger of the inconvenient truth. I work mostly under the radar to protect others.
- Enlighten us about your greatest strength. How are you different from others in your field?
I follow five key factors
- I listen.
- I observe
- I communicate.
- Courage – also have the courage to speak up and be the voice of the inconvenient truth.
- Respect for other people´s views and experiences. Respect for everything and everyone, no matter nationality, race, religion or political opinion.
- Please tell us about your organisation. What are your primary roles and responsibilities? Can you please walk us through the major accomplishments throughout your journey?
I am honoured and privileged to assist people, companies, governments and organisations around the world. Confidentiality is everything in my world and my duty is under the radar.
‘Truth is stranger than fiction’ (Mark Twain) is true. My greatest accomplishments are the lives I have touched and the recent publication of decades of exeprience, expertise and anecdotes. I have written an urban crisis survival guide to democratize my crisis expertise in order to guide, prepare and protect more people. To make more people aware of the potentiel crises ahead. The book is called “Your Urban Survival Crisis Planner”.
- How did you respond to the challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic? What measures did you incorporate to surpass the challenges?
Before the virus turned into a global pandemic I tried to warn about it. In my world we always work with containing and manage risks. It always pays of. From my sources and information gathered, I could see a pandemic unfold and was accused of many things. Unfortunately, my predictions were right.
I had hope we could prevent the pandemic – and we could have. As it unfolded, I was prepared personally and professionally and had planned for it. Therefore
my company, my clients, my family, and myself were not vulnerable. We were prepared, protected and made the most of it. Among other things, most of it is confidential, I was finally able to finish my book and I was able to prepare my clients as well.
- Who in your life inspires you the most?
Due to the nature of my work, I am constantly in contact with numerous people from around the world of many different sectors, beliefs and personalities. That is the greatest gift and the most unlikely people inspire me every day. Paying respect, honouring and listening to every human really brings the greatest inspiration.
- What advice would you give to the next generation of aspiring and budding Business people?
Be courageous, be respectful and do not let your ego or financial or strategic goals interfere with your mission. Trust your gut feeling, do not be afraid to say no and do it! Take action- and enjoy it.