Brendon M. Egan

Brendon M. Egan

  • Brief us about your outset story of your career.

    I knew from an early age I wanted to be an entrepreneur.  When I was just 10 years old I started my first “business” raking leaves and shovelling snow, however unlike most kids my age, I did this by employing my 10 year old friends on a much larger scale.  Fast forward a decade and I became involved in day trading stocks and eventually went on to create one of the largest at the time trading educational websites which I sold before graduating from college.    After college is when I started my current business, Simple SEO, a digital marketing agency that services over 300 businesses including numerous fortune 500 companies.  Along the way I have been fortunate to have gotten involved in over a dozen other companies including Engage which I co-founded and ERI which I serve on the board of directors as the technology committee chair. 

  • What are the aims and ideals that guide you as an individual and a professional?

    Professionalism, integrity, speed, attention to detail, and client service are my guiding principals both as an individual and a professional.  I believe that these are the foundation for success no matter what industry you may be in.  I firmly believe that everything I do has to be done professionally and with the absolute highest level of integrity.  Furthermore, we live in a world where speed matters while also paying proper attention to detail.  And lastly, service is something that unfortunately is disappearing in our world today, and those who offer superior customer service quickly can rise to the top.

  • Enlighten us about your greatest strength. How are you different from others in your field?

    My greatest strength is that I stop when a job is done, not when I get tired or grow bored of it.  For my entire career I have been willing to put in the time and work to make things happen, whether that means pulling an all-nighter alongside my team to hit a deadline or it means having that tough conversation or making a difficult decision and executing on it.  I do what it takes to get the job done.  Without being overly promotional of myself and my businesses, this is often not the case in companies that I am competing with on projects and bids.  Time and time again our clients tell us that we’re willing to “go the extra mile” or willing to “take the extra sacrifice” to get the job done.  This is our reputation and one of the many ways that I feel myself and my businesses stand out from others in my field. 

  • Please tell us about your organisation. What are your primary roles and responsibilities? Can you please walk us through the major accomplishments throughout your journey?

    I wear many hats currently as I am involved in several businesses, however focusing on my main business, my marketing agency, I am a very active owner-operator in the business.  To this date I play a role in every single project we take on and every single client account.  I believe in a professional services field, I believe what sets our agency apart is me.  And while I have instilled the same principles that I believe in within all my employees, there often times is no substitute for the level of experience that I can offer to our clients. 

  • How did you respond to the challenges induced by the COVID-19 pandemic? What measures did you incorporate to surpass the challenges?

    Initially, COVID-19 had a devastating impact on our business.  From March to May 2020 we saw a 60% decline in revenue as many of our clients panicked and quickly reeled back their spending.  However, comparing 2021 to 2020 we saw over 200% growth and over 140% growth 2019 to 2021.  As businesses realized that for the short to medium term things were going to go digital,

  • Who in your life inspires you the most?

    I’m most inspired by taking on new challenges and winning new battles.  If there’s one thing nearly every business leader I have ever met despises, it’s repetitive, mundane tasks.  Being an entrepreneur allows the freedom and flexibility to constantly take on new challenges and explore new professional frontiers.  

  • What advice would you give to the next generation of aspiring and budding Business people?

    The number one thing I tell the next generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs is to take risks and chances early in life.  Quite honestly, had I not taken the chances I took when I was in my teens and twenties, I can guarantee I wouldn’t be taking them today with financial and personal responsibilities.  When you’re young, you have little to no responsibilities and nothing to lose, this is the best time to take that risk and start the business you always wanted to start or go after your dream career path.