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Our Contact Info!

We value every inquiry and are here to assist you with any questions, comments, or requests you may have.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about our services, exploring potential partnerships, or simply seeking more information, we encourage you to reach out.Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with prompt and comprehensive support.

Please feel free to email us at, and we will make sure to respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.

Ad Banner Specifications

This table outlines the key details for our ad banners, including their sizes, display durations, and prices. It helps ensure that all ads are correctly formatted and scheduled, making it easier to manage and optimize our advertising efforts.

Ad Banner Size Duration Price
Side Bar Banner 345×345
1 Month
500 USD
Website Banner 970×90
1 Month
400 USD
Side Bar Banner 345×345
2 Weeks
250 USD
Website Banner 970×90
2 Weeks
200 USD
Side Bar Banner 345×345
1 Week
150 USD
Website Banner 970×90
1 Week
100 USD